They could potentially be splines separated from the stage's relocatable module file itself. spl - I don't know personally, but has stage numbers appended to the files, less stages also than actual ones. mpg, however there might be sound issues with it working too fast. scr - Event related, controls what happens in the current event, probably short for SCRIPT, has an unknown format used. It is probably something that was used in order to speed up searches by the devs.

scc - Unknown. Every folder has this file at least in the prototype and is generally bigger as the folder has more files. Inside you can find interesting info as well such as object properties in ASCII, or control placement of certain scripted dynamic objects as well as the programmed environment (example). They contain a lot of game code and data such as spawning points, rank requirements, winning locations, splines (and rails), dynamic objects loaded into the stage etc. MainMemory is known for having written tools for working with them which are available. Inside are generally contained models and animations. one - Archive file format used in heroes. mlt - Contains sound effects to be played by the proprietary GCAX Sound Driver. met - Renderware SDK font format used in drawing text. fon - Comes in the form of sega.fon, sega_a.fon and sega_j.fon, they're some kind of font files, although nothing seems to be capable of opening them. Contains main code for all elements that affect players in-game. dff - Renderware engine model file, or a clump file to be more precise. TXD and are infact used as textures in heroes. Supports mipmaps, cube maps, and volume maps. Usually used as textures for games nowadays. Generic extension used with files used by variety of applications. Reportedly Total of Sonic Retro has found out how to extract meshes from the format although he didn't share anything regarding it. Is under a folder called collision as only type of file and is used, as expected for collision data. cl - Collision files most definitively although the format and how it is used is unknown. bin - Can be many things depending on the filename and file, for example some bins in heroes contain the lighting data, level object placement, particle data and some camera. anm - Contains the character and menu animations. afs - Contains all the files responsible for the in game dialogue/sound spoken by the characters. LAV Splitter and LAV Audio Decoder can handle those too. adx - The music files, they can be opened with a winamp plugin or extracted using tools such as PES Sound Converter. txt were left out as they're common and can be opened on any common modern Operating System without any specialized software/tools. Here is listed a list of file formats Sonic Heroes uses in the game.